Stardate 12/01/2024 02:15 

06/06/2006 21:11


Behemoth writing new material

News from Polish Behemoth camp:

"[Second leg of Polish 'Demigod' tour] was simply a blast. Touring with such a company and playing in front of packed venues was a perfect ending for this never ending tour. I loved the fact that we also finally played a decent crowd and a nice venue in our hometown. I'm sure that none everyone who saw us in action wasn't disappointed. We gave our very fuckin' best and it feels to good to see you guys gave so much inreturn! Moreover, sharing stage with Virgin Snatch, Hermh and Corruption was an awesome experience and the whole tour turned out to be a massive success.

After few days off we are slowly moving on with the new stuff. It's all in the very early stages but the ideas are shaping up real fast. I've been thinking about this new concept for more than a year now and it's high time to get things revealed. There are some basic themes we put together before the last U.S. tour and it sounded massive. Last couple of days I've been jamming out some newest stuff and it's... just insane: heavy and epic. Some of the ideas are insanely fast and technical but we also started a slow, more epic one, which sounds amazing to me. Today we recorded one of these new tracks and...I'm blown away. There's definitely 100% Behemoth vibe in it: vital and evil but there's also something new and fresh in these tunes! I'm sure all those who loved 'Demigod' will dig the new shit. I'll keep you posted!

My laptop is full of drafts tho no finished lyrics are ready yet. Last year I visited so many exotic places and it definitely had some strong impact on me, my views and this will be reflected in the lyrics for sure. In summer 2005 e.v. I took a trip to Kathmandu, in Nepal where I had time of my life. I went for a trek in the Himalaya mountains where my only company where books by Peter J. Carroll, Deepack Chopra and Carlos music, no civilization, almost no people around (since it was a raining period in Nepal). I made lots of notes and comments. Wandering from temple to temple I got inspired by Khali cult which surprisingly is very active in this country. Khali temple is right in the centre of Kathamndu and people regularly make sacrifices and pray to this goddess of death and destruction. Among many weird places I visited, I attended a Tibetan mass in the "temple of monkeys" which was a very cathartic experience. Some of the mantras I recorded and don't be surprised when you hear some of this crazy shit in the background of the new songs, ha ha. Pretty much every other place I've been to lately, be it Israel (Jerusalem), Mexico (the pyramids) or Haga Sophia in Turkey made a strong impact on me and there's gonna be several relations to these subjects in my lyrics. Behemoth is going even more multi-cultural. Wait and be surprised...ha ha.


(source: the official Behemoth website)

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