Stardate 03/09/2025 16:35 

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Corrodead (2010)
Demo CD

Reviewed: 6/1/2010

Melodic death metal. Now that's a very, very crowded genre, innit?! Surely it is, but new contenders pop up like drunken idiots in a bar. Observant hail from Pietarsaari, Finland, formed by local metallers known from such bands as Chthonian, Degenerate and Twilight Moon. As the music is penned by Degenerate guitarist Mikael Ekstedt, it's not a surprise that Observant perform melodic death metal. However, that's just one side of the story here. 'As Corrodead as You' open the demo. Its hard-pumping riffage might sound uninspired at first, due to being so non-melodic, but soon it grabs and it grabs hard. Once again, the riff is the king! The song is very rolling indeed, so the first five minutes feel like half of it. With 'Thoughts Realigned' the band turn their ears towards Gothenburg. Sadl...

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Arimortis (2025) » Honorary Mention «

Reviewed: 3/3/2025
Not an entirely long LP, roughly 39 minutes to be accurately speaking, but wow! What Italian metal v...
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After All
Dead Loss (2000)

Reviewed: 12/21/2024
Before Belgian band After All started playing thrash metal, they were a rock band. Their third full-...
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Evoking Darkness (2015)

Reviewed: 12/20/2024
Every death metal fanatic must have heard a few of these bands with Stockholm death metal sound (Bos...
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Mastering the Art of Killing (2014)

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Vomitile is one of the funniest band names I've ever seen. Projectile of vomit, I suppose. This quar...
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Critical Energy (2004) » Honorary Mention «

Reviewed: 12/10/2024
The live release with vocalist Andrew "Mac" McDermott from one of the premiere English progressive m...