Stardate 03/09/2025 17:04 

Information section

What is Archaic Metallurgy, then?

A metal music database, in short. The database consists of bands, releases and musicians. First, a band is added, then releases and persons can be added to the band. But that's not all, since band news is another thing that can be added. Band infos can include biography, discography, personnel and links to band related sites. Detailed information about a release and a band member can be added, too. Browsing all this is easier by using the search option (sub categories [eg. releases] also have their special search options). Try it, and you'll master it within minutes.

Another side of AM is articles, being mostly reviews of releases and band interviews. Other metal music related articles can be found, too. About reviews: they are written by an individual, so opinions are individual (check out the staff profiles). Everyone has different opinions (well, at last if you think) so it is advisable to read other reviews about same release to build a multifaceted picture of it. Check out ratings info here.

There's many metal music databases on internet, so why another one? Simply because us makers love metal music! It all started with the reviews back in 1998 (back then under the name of Metallurgy) and the first version of AM included other articles as well. This, the third edition, is simply more deep again with its database.

As AM is a database, it means that it is evergrowing. Because of the long history of metal music, the database is not complete, but it is built daily. So please try to understand, that we're doing our best. Help is always more than welcome (want to participate? Read this!) If you want your band added, go to contact page for details.

If you can't find the information what you were looking for here, do not hesitate to contact.

Archaic Metallurgy is 100% nonprofit, irreligious and unpolitical.