Stardate 03/19/2025 21:18 

08/06/2017 20:55


Haemorrhage announce new album 'We Are the Gore'

Photo credit: Miguel Angel Galindo

Spanish goregrind stalwarts Haemorrhage return to spew forth their most ferociously (de)composed album to date with their seventh studio album 'We Are the Gore'. Embalmed at Mpire Studio in Madrid by Alfredo and Javi Ustara and mastered by Brad Boatright (Obituary, Nails, Skinless), 'We Are the Gore' embodies 14 tracks and 35 blood-soaked minutes of pathological gore, ideal for listening to in mortuaries and mausoleums. With numerous guest appearances from current and former members of Carcass, Impaled, Dead Infection, Ghoul, Gruesome Stuff Relish and others, Haemorrhage take their nauseating blend of scalpel-sharp riffs, triple threat guttural vocals, and bone-scraping rhythms to a new extreme. One listen to 'We Are the Gore' will leave you soaked in buckets of bile and feeling like a freshly made cadaver.

1. Nauseating Employments
2. Gore Gourmet
3. We Are the Gore
4. Transporting Cadavers
5. Bathed in Bile
6. The Cremator's Song
7. Medical Maniacs
8. Forensick Squad
9. Gynecrologist
10. Miss Phlebotomy
11. C.S.C. (Crime Scene Cleaners)
12. Prosector's Revenge
13. Organ Trader
14. Intravenous Molestation of the Obstructionist Arteries (O-Pus Vii)
15. Artifacts of the Autopsy (bonus track)

Haemorrhage commented: "We are totally excited about this song's premiere. It was so hard for us to keep everything secret during this time. We think we recorded our best album and what we wanted is show everyone what we did, but we had to wait for six months. Now the wait is over and we hope our fans will love our album. This song is the first on the album and one of its most brutal songs. It's also perfect to tell everyone what the album concept is about, that is the people that work in the disgusting side of life... you know doctors, nurses, undertakers, cremators..."

'We Are the Gore' is set for release on October 6th on CD/LP/digital via Relapse Records.

(source: Relapse Records)

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