Stardate 03/13/2025 23:29 

10/07/2017 15:08


Shrouded guitarist/vocalist Dani Kansanaho passed away

Melodic death metal abnd from Northern Ireland, Shrouded, lost their guitarisr/vocalist Dani Kansanaho on October 5th, 2017. He was only 23 years old.

The band's message:

"This is something we wished we would never have to say. We're sure that by now, many of you have heard the heartbreaking news that our brother Dani Kansanaho is no longer with us.

Dani was the main reason why this band started. It was his creativity and ideas that sparked the project and ultimately led it to become what it has. Shrouded was and still is very much his band. He was a driving force behind the band.

He was always full of ideas, full of laughs. He was immensely talented, so much so that it drove the rest of us to try to catch up with him, and as a frontman he had a presence that many others could only dream of having.

Unfortunately, Dani had his demons too, and while we may have argued, as is the nature of bands, we always had his back when push came to shove. He fought the good fight and fought it hard, but in the end it just wasn't enough.

There is now a hole that can't be filled. There will never be another like him. We miss you Dani, you were our brother and no matter what, we were with you to the end.

Many may be wondering what the future of the band will be, and so do we. For now we need time to mourn our fallen brother, as a result we are officially pulling out of all shows for the rest of the year. There will be updates in the coming weeks and months, until then we ask that if you wish to pay your respect to Dani's family, you do so on the original post.

Sleep well Dani.

Forever Shrouded!"

(source: Shrouded)

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