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Bands starting with "D"
- Desolate Shrine (Finland)
- Desolate Ways (Brazil)
- Desolation Remains (England)
- Desorator (Japan)
- Despair (Germany)
- Despised Icon (Canada)
- Despite Exile (Italy)
- Despondency (Germany)
- Destinity (France)
- Destiny (Sweden)
- Destrage (Italy)
- Deströyer 666 (Australia)
- Destroying Divinity (Czech Rep.)
- Destruction (Germany)
- Destructor (USA)
- Destruktor (Australia)
- Destynation (Sweden)
- Desulphurize (Greece)
- Desultory (Sweden)
- Det Vidaapne Gap (Norway)
- Deteriorot (USA)
- Dethonator (England)
- Dethroner (Chile)
- Detonation (Canada)
- Detonation (Netherlands)