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Bands starting with "R"
- Relinquished (Austria)
- Rellik (USA)
- Remains (Mexico)
- Remembrance (France)
- Remmirath (Slovakia)
- Renaissance (Belgium)
- Repent (Germany)
- Replica (Austria)
- Repossession (Poland)
- Reprieve (Germany)
- Reprobation (USA)
- Repugnant (Sweden)
- Repulsion (USA)
- Requiem (Finland)
- Requiem (Switzerland)
- Requiem (Norway)
- Requiem Aeternam (Uruguay)
- Requiem Aeternum (Lithuania)
- Resection (Germany)
- Resentment (Croatia)
- Resistance (USA)
- Resurrected (Germany)
- Resurrection (Poland)
- Resurrecturis (Italy)
- Resuscitator (USA)