Sociopathy was formed in 2002 by Raich (guitar) and Tzargath (drums). From the beginning of the group's existence, both musicians wanted to create aggressive and very fast metal, but it was difficult to found other people to the ensemble.
For a year Sociopathy were searching an original vocalist and fast bass guitar player. Since that time there were many changes in the band, during a few months many people left and joined the group. Finally in April 2003 Sociopathy affiliates Diabas (bass guitar) and two months later to the group joined vocalist Gimler.
With this line-up the band recorded demo-CD 'Metal Regime' which contains 8 aggressive and fast pieces.
In June 2004 Sociopathy affiliates another guitarist Krieg.
Sociopathy have invented a new metal genre called grey metal, which is compact combination of speed and aggression.
(source: the official Sociopathy wbsite)