
Asphyx, one of Holland's oldest death metal bands began somewhere in 1987 playing cover versions of Celtic Frost - 'Nocturnal Fear', Mayhyem - 'Necrolust', just to name the most important ones. Asphyx was founded by drummer Bob Bagchus and guitarist Tonny Brookhuis. When time passed on Asphyx started to develop their own, somewhat unique style within the death/doom metal scene. Still heavily influenced by early gods like old Celtic Frost, Messiah, Death, Slaughter, Necrophagia, Hellhammer and of course the mighty Venom, they recorded the quite noisy rehearsal 'Carnage Remains' in 1988. This, however, was an instrumental one. Later that year they found a suitable bass player/vocalist named Chuck Colli. With him Asphyx recorded the also demo/rehearsal 'Enter the Domain'. That tape was marked by a rather poor sound quality, but still got quite good response in the death metal underground.
In March 1989 Chuck got replaced by new vocalist/bass player Theo Loomans (R.I.P.) and Asphyx found themselves a second guitarist called Eric Daniels. With this line-up they recorded the famous 'Crush the Cenotaph' demo in the spring on 1989. The demo tape was recorded in a 8 track studio for 60