Stardate 03/12/2025 06:27 

Links section

Other links

Suomalainen metalliwebbisivusto. Uutisia, arvosteluja, keskustelufoorumi jne.
Metal webpages mostly in Finnish. Something in English, too.
Website designing.

The ultimate site about Latin American Metal.

Metal From Finland
Metal from Finland - the Finnish metal and rock bands database.

Secret Face - Ultimate Metal Site
Forum, reviews, guitar tabulatures.

Kris Verwimp - record cover illustrator
Plus other awesome artwork.

Metal-related stuff on
- Deathrash666 - Loads of promo and live videos and interview clips. Worth checking out by every metalhead who love thrash, death, black and other warped styles of metal!

Distros AM can recommend (no rip-offs in these!!!):

- Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions (Fin)
- Aural Music (Ita)
- Bestial Burst (Fin)
- Casus Belli Musica (Rus)
- Dan's Crypt Records (Spa)
- Doom Dealer (Ger)
- Lion Music (Fin)
- No Remorse Records (Gre)
- No Sign Of Life Distribution (Fin)
- Primitive Reaction (Fin)
- Razorback Records (USA)
- Season Of Mist (Fra)
- Selfmadegod Records (Pol)
- Witching Hour Productions (Pol)

Distros/online stores (or "stores") AM cannot recommend because of RIP-OFFS (Hopefully they found the extra money useful, like for snorting too much coke, fucking off and fucking DIE! Cunts.):

- Kanvec Sun Record (Esp) 1 CD missing, 2 wrong ones in order. They promised to refund. They stopped contacting so Discogs' help services turned off after 90 days.
- Rock Lion (Nld) "Have fun hunting for music." Yeah, right... Order missing items which they promised to replace. Replacements never arrived.
- Rockshots Records (Ita) 2 CDs missing from order. They promised to resend. Never arrived. No reply, when asked again.